Rates 2018-10-10T15:39:34+00:00
Rate Calculator

Rate Calculator

Recording Fee per script (Year 1 only) €140
Research narrative script (non-broadcast) €160

TV Rates

Radio Rates

Research, Web, Cinema & IVR

(Number of scripts)


* Sponsorship Stings are charged at station price. One basic studio covers up to ten stings.

* Tags are a change of information relating only to time/place within the same station and/or date/dealer at the beginning, middle or end of the script, performed by the same artist and which appears as a once-only reference. The fee is payable per changed item and is in addition to any recording/usage fees already paid for the commercial. If the tag includes a station or stations not covered in the original usage fee, then the usage fee for the additional station(s) must be paid

Please note this is to be used as a guide price only